Racing and training on Zwift at certain times of the year can significantly enhance your training in pursuit of your primary summer events. It's important to have goals to work towards throughout the year and group training and racing is a fun way to help prepare for the season ahead whatever the conditions.
Three Reasons To Train and Race In Zwift With Us:
- Every ride has a structure and purpose to ensure it's a valuable part of your overall Zwift training. If left to your own devices, will you maximise the use of your time?
- Every session is led by a qualified cycling coach who will provide dynamic ride objectives during each ride.
- It's fun, sociable and great to keep you motivated.
Coach Led Group Zwift Training Sessions
Every month we run several group Zwift rides, each of which has a specific focus. It could be a challenging up pace tempo session to help boost your durability or be focussed on climbing mountains, race simulation or entertaining endurance rides. Whatever the focus of the session, your fitness will move a step in the right direction and your levels of motivation will be high! Although every ride is in a carefully selected Zwift world, everything practiced will absolutely be beneficial to your riding in the real world.
Year Round Zwift Racing
Racing in Zwift can be exhilarating, whilst at the same time contributing to your wider training objectives, especially when it forms part of a wider training strategy. Why wait until spring when you can select a series of suitable events throughout the year that you can use to perfect strategies, discover your limiters and work on improving them ahead of your season’s goals.